How to set up Users?

Below is a step-by-step explanation of how to configure People, along with a brief mention of Permissions.


To configure People, you must first log in to Terrand. Once logged in, navigate to the left-side menu (expansion is not required), find the "Gear" icon accompanied by the text "Settings," and click on it. In the drop-down menu, select "People."

People Screen Overview

On the People screen, you will find the User List, which includes "Users" and "People without email." This list is divided into "Active" and "Disabled" users and can be filtered or searched using a text input field.

The list displays users in rows, containing the following details:

  • Code
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Email
  • User Type
  • View Action
  • Detail Action
  • Disable Action


  • View Action: Redirects to the user’s detail view, where you can see their name, email, employee ID, permissions, and the processes they have completed.
  • Detail Action: Takes you to the editing screen, where you can modify:
    • User Photo
    • Email
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Employee ID
    • User Type
  • Disable Action: Disables the user, making them visible only in the "Disabled" tab of the User List. Users can only be deleted from this tab.



We conclude this article by inviting you to review the hyperlinks for more information about each module. If you cannot find the information you're looking for, feel free to contact us.