How to Configure Teams

This article explains step by step how to configure Teams in Terrand.


To configure Teams, you first need to be logged into Terrand. Then, navigate to the left-side menu. Whether you expand it or not, look for the "Gear" icon labeled "Settings" and, in the drop-down menu, select "Teams."

Steps to Configure Teams

Once on the Teams screen, you will see three buttons at the top:

  • "Import Teams" → Allows the import of multiple teams.
  • "Import User/Team" → Enables importing users into teams.
  • "+ New Team" → Creates a new team.

To create a new team, click the "+ New Team" button. A pop-up menu will appear, where you can enter a "Team Name" in a text field.

Video Explanation

Before concluding the article, we invite you to watch the video explaining how to configure Teams.



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