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What is and How to set up Warehouses?

This article covers the Warehouses section within the tool.

What Is Warehouses?

Warehouses is a section within the Inventory module. It manages the physical entities of a business where stock and materials are assigned.

How to Configure a Warehouse

To configure a warehouse, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Terrand.
  2. Navigate to the left-hand menu and select Inventory.
  3. In the dropdown menu, click on Warehouses.
  4. On the Warehouses screen -  [Warehouse Screen Analysis] - click the + New Warehouse button.
  5. A form will open where you need to complete the following fields:
    • Warehouse Name → A text field to enter the name of the warehouse.
    • Warehouse Code → A text field to assign a code to the warehouse.
    • Users for Alarms → A selector field to assign users who will receive notifications and alarms related to the warehouse by default.

Additional Features

In addition to creating new warehouses, you can:

  • View Details → Access detailed information about the selected warehouse.
  • Edit → Modify warehouse information.
  • Delete → Permanently remove a warehouse.

Explanatory Video

To reinforce the concepts explained in this article, we provide a video demonstration:

We also recommend reviewing the following related articles for further insights:


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