Introduction to Process Configuration

This article will present the Processes module, trying to provide a general overview of it.


Configuring processes in TERRAND allows you to create, customize, and manage the operational workflows of your company in a simple and efficient manner. By defining stages, assigning responsibilities, and setting specific parameters, you can tailor each process to meet the needs of your business, improving organization and the performance of your operations.

1. Process Selection

The first step is to define the general information of the process. This includes:

  • Process Name: It’s important to choose a clear and descriptive name that easily identifies the process.
  • Structure Type: TERRAND offers several predefined templates that you can choose from, depending on the type of process:
    • Inspection
    • Flow with Stages
    • Notifications
    • Custom

You can also select which departments will have access to this process. Once completed, click “Next.”

2. Form Configuration

The form is a critical part of the process, as it allows you to define the structure of the information that will be collected. In this stage, you can configure:

  • Form Name: Make sure it’s descriptive to facilitate identification.
  • Form Description: Explain the purpose or objective of the process.
  • Process Rating: TERRAND allows you to associate points with answers, helping you evaluate each section or stage quantitatively.

Additionally, you will need to configure the following options:

  • Stages
  • Sections
  • Fields

For a deeper dive into form configuration, check out the articles on Stages, Creating Sections, and Data Types.

3. Incident Assignment

This feature allows you to manage issues or anomalies that arise during the process. If an incident is detected, another pre-configured process can be automatically initiated to address it. To assign incidents:

  1. Configure a field as Compliant/Non-Compliant.
  2. Associate the relevant process to handle non-compliance.
  3. Save the changes to ensure the incident is correctly assigned.

You can find more details on managing incidents in our article on creating fields and data types.

4. Flow Assignment

In this stage, you will define the users and teams responsible for each phase of the process. Additionally, you can configure:

  • Stage Skipping: If necessary, you can skip certain stages of the process.
  • Notifications: TERRAND allows automatic email notifications based on the progress of each phase.

For more information on flow assignment, refer to the article on general assignment concepts.

Advanced Features

In addition to basic configurations, TERRAND offers advanced options to further optimize your processes:

  • Stage Skipping: Customize the flow by skipping stages based on the needs of the process.
  • Process Scheduling: Set specific dates and deadlines for the execution of each phase.

Check out the related articles for more details on these advanced features.



We encourage you to review the hyperlinks to explore each module in more detail. If you can't find the information you're looking for, don't hesitate to reach out to us.