Below, we present a complete guide to using the mobile application. We will explain each of its main features, detailing how you can make the most of them.
Below we list functions and characteristics of the mobile app.
1 - Login
Access to the app is simple and secure. You will need to enter your username (email) and password. Additionally, you will have the option to select "Remember Me" to save your credentials, allowing for quicker access in future sessions.
To make it easier to see, you can view the password you are entering by clicking on the "eye" icon. If you forget your password, simply click on "Forgot my password" and you will be redirected to the website to follow the steps and generate a new one.
Single Sign-On (SSO) is pending implementation.
2 - Home
Once inside, you will have access to an overview of your processes. On the main screen, you will see a summary with the following data:
- Pending Processes: The total number of processes that are still unfinished in your account.
- Total Processes: The total number of processes registered in your account.
- Created by Me This Month: The processes you have initiated in the current month.
- Completed by Me This Month: The processes you have completed in the current month.
You will also find a list of My Pending, showing the most recent pending processes for quick access. If you want to see more details, the View All button will take you to the complete list of your pending processes.
3 - Menu
The app’s menu is designed to provide easy access to all available sections. Inside, you will find the following options and modules:
In this section, you can view a list of cards corresponding to the pending processes you have access to. Each card will display the following information:
- Process number
- Process name
- Related site or asset with the corresponding code
- Creation date
- Process status
Create New
From the "+" icon in the menu, you can initiate a new process. A list will appear with the names of the sites and the number of available stages for each one, allowing you to select the appropriate site to create a new process.
The search feature will allow you to view a list of sites or assets, showing the code and type of site/asset to which each belongs. Once you find the site/asset you are looking for, you can access its profile and consult a list of the processes that can be created for that site.
4 - General
The app offers key features to manage your processes efficiently, even without an internet connection:
- Sync: Once the app reconnects, you can sync the finalized processes that are pending upload, uploading them in bulk from this section.
- Update: This option allows you to connect to the internet and update both the list of pending processes and the home information.
- Scan QR: Use the camera to scan a QR code of a site/asset, which will let you access its profile and view the processes you can create from there.
- Trainings: From the app, you can access training courses, already logged in with your mobile user.
- Language: The app is available in Spanish and English, to facilitate its use in different languages.
- Help: If you need assistance, the app includes a knowledge base and support via WhatsApp.
- Log Out: An option to securely log out of your session.
5 - Partial Information Saving
The app allows you to save your process progress partially to avoid data loss. There are two ways to save:
- Automatic: The app will automatically save the data, notifying you via a message at the top of the screen.
- Manual: Using the purple floppy disk button, you can manually save information at any point during process execution. This button is floating, both when creating a new process and when continuing a pending process.
Save multiple times
You can save partial information as many times as needed.
“Partial” List
In the Pending tab, you will find a section called "Parciales" where you can view the saved processes. Once a process is completed, it will be removed from this list.
We conclude the article by inviting you to review the hyperlinks to dive deeper into each module for more information. And if you cannot find the information you are looking for, feel free to contact us.