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  2. Admin
  3. Initial configuration

What is a Business?

This article focuses on introducing the concept of Business within the Terrand App.


A Business can be understood as the root unit within Terrand. It encompasses processes, users, sites, assets, inventory, goals, capacitations, teams, dashboards, and other modules enabled in the tool. It can be said that each user company has a Business.

Configuring your Business is the first required step to use the tool for the first time, unless you are a regular user.

Next Steps

We invite you to check out the following articles to dive deeper:

  • How to Create a Business?
  • Business Screen Analysis

Key elements

Remember, the Business is just the starting point in your journey with Terrand. People and Teams, as well as Sites and Assets, are crucial for the proper functioning of a Business.

  • What is People?
  • What is Teams?
  • What is Sites?
  • What is Assets?


We conclude this article by inviting you to review the hyperlinks to explore each module for more information. If you can’t find the information you are looking for, feel free to contact us.