What Is People?

In this article, we will explain what is meant by "People" within Terrand.

What Is People?

"People" is a module within the Terrand tool. It allows you to create, view, edit, and delete users. This viewing, editing, and deletion is restricted exclusively to users within the same Business.

Additional Information

It is important to note that during the creation or configuration of People, there is a Permissions section. Below, we provide a link to the article that covers everything you need to know about Permissions within the People module:


Additionally, we provide a hyperlink to the article on how to configure People, along with a link to the article "What Is Teams?" which discusses the Teams module in Terrand, a module with functionality very similar to People.


We conclude this article by inviting you to review the hyperlinks for more information about each module. If you cannot find the information you're looking for, feel free to contact us.