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What Is Stock and How to Configure It?

This article provides a clear explanation of Stock and how to configure it within the Inventory module.

What Is Stock?

Stock refers to the inventory of materials and resources a company manages in its operations. It allows for tracking availability, movement, and allocation of these materials across different warehouses.

How to Configure Stock

To configure Stock, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Terrand.
  2. Navigate to the left-hand menu and select Inventory.
  3. In the dropdown menu, click on Stock.
  4. You will be redirected to the Stock screen -  [Stock Screen Analysis].
  5. In the upper right corner, click the + Add Stock button and choose one of the following options:
    • Add Stock
    • Stock Movement

Add Stock

This option presents the Add Stock form, where you need to complete the following fields:

Stock Movement

This option presents the Stock Movement form, where you need to:

  • Material → Select the material to be transferred.
  • Source Warehouse → Specify the warehouse the material is coming from.
  • Destination Warehouse → Specify the warehouse where the material is being sent.
  • Quantity → Enter the amount of stock to be transferred.

Stock Features

  • Stock History → The stock screen displays a history of stock movements, including materials transferred between warehouses and stock additions. The displayed columns include:
    • Transaction Number
    • Movement Type
    • Material (with code)
    • Warehouse (with code)
    • Date
    • User (with ID/Employee Number)
  • Manual Stock Addition → Input the material, warehouse, currency type, price, and quantity.
  • Stock Movement → Enter the material, source warehouse, quantity, and destination warehouse.

 Explanatory Video

To reinforce the concepts explained in this article, we provide a video demonstration:

[Explanatory Video]

We encourage you to review the following related articles for more in-depth information:


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